
Genetic engineering and cellular reprogramming of somatic cells in the bioreactor for the biomanufacturing of cell therapy products

Below is a list of my most recent publications to-date. For more listing, please see my ResearcGate page or visit Pubmed queried results (link to the right).

Awards and Scholarships

Postgraduate Fellowship
Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions
$165,000 | 2015 - 2017

Postdoctoral Fellowship
Canadian institute of Health Research
$90,000 | 2014 - 2016

Postgraduate Training Programme
NSERC CREATE for Biomedical Engineers
$1000 | 2014

Doctoral Prize of Distinction
University of Alberta
$20,000 | 2009 - 2012

Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Student Scholarship
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$105,000 | 2009 - 2012

Profiling Alberta's Graduate Students Award
University of Alberta Graduate Student Association
$1,300 | 2010

75h Anniversary Award
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Alberta
$7,500 | 2009

Graduate Studentship
Alberta Ingenuity
$5,000 | 2009

Master's Graudate Studentship,
CIHR Skeletal Regenerative Medicine Team
$20,000 | 2007 - 2009

QE II Graduate Scholarship
University of Alberta
$10,800 | 2007 - 2008

Undergraduate Research Award
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$4,500 | May-Aug 2004

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Nath S.C., Day B., Harper L., Yee J., Hsu C.Y., Larijani L., Rohani L., Duan N., Kallos M., Rancourt, D.E.(2021). Fluid Shear Stress Promotes Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency via Interplay between β-catenin and Vinculin in Bioreactor Culture Cells. April 9. STEM CELLS

Cota P., Helmi S.A., Hsu C.Y., and Rancourt D.E. (2020). Cytokine Directed Chondroblast Trans-differentiation. JAK Inhibition Facilitates Direct Reprogramming of Fibroblasts to Chondroblasts. Cells. 9(1),191.

Borys B., Le A., Roberts E., Dang T., Rohanisarvestani L., Hsu C.Y., Wyma A., Rancourt, D.E., Gates I., Kallos M.S. (2019). Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling to understand Murine Embryonic Stem Cell Aggregate Size and Pluripotency Distributions in Stirred Suspension Bioreactors. Journal of Biotechnology. Oct 10; 304:16-27

Hsu C.Y., Walsh T., Borys, B.S., Kallos, M.S., and Rancourt D.E. (2018). An integrated approach towards the biomanufacturing of engineered cell therapy products in a suspension bioreactor. Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development. Jun 15 (9) pp. 376–389. *COVER OF ISSUE* (pictured below)

Iqbal, S.M., Leonard, C., Regmi, S., De Rantere, D., Tailor. P., Ren, G., Ishida H., Hsu C.Y., Abubacker, S., Pang, D. SJ., Salo, P., Vogel, H.J., Hart, D.A., Waterhouse, C.C., Jay, G.D., Schmidt, T.A., and Krawetz, R.J. (2016). Lubricin / Proteoglycan 4 binds to and regulates the activity of Toll-Like Receptors In Vitro. Scientific Reports. Jan 11;6:

Wang, Y., Mostafa, N.Z., Hsu C.Y., Rose, L., Kucharski, C., Yan, J., Jiang, H., and Uludağ, H. (2013). Modification of human BMSC with nanoparticles of polymeric biomaterials and plasmid DNA for BMP-2 secretion. J. Surgical Res. Jul;183(1):8-17

Hsu C.Y., and Uludağ, H. (2012). Cellular Uptake Pathways of Lipid- Modified Cationic Polymers Employed For Gene Delivery to Primary Cells. Biomaterials. Nov;33(31):7834-48

Hsu C.Y., and Uludağ, H. (2012). A simple and rapid non-viral approach to effi ciently transfect primary tissue-derived cells using polyethylenimine. Nature Protocols. 7(5) 935-945.

Hsu C.Y., and Uludağ H. (2012). Nucleic-acid based gene therapeutics: delivery challenges and the modular design of non-viral gene carriers and expression cassettes to overcome intracellular barriers for sustained targeted expression. J. Drug Targ. Feb 6.

Hsu C.Y., Hendzel, M., and Uludag, H. (2011). Improved Transfection Effi ciency of an Aliphatic lipid Substituted 2 kDa Polyethylenimine is Attributed to Enhanced Nuclear Association and Uptake in Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cell. J. Gene Med. Jan;13(1):46-59.

Neamnark A., Suwantong O., Bahadur R.K., Hsu C.Y., Supaphol P., Uludağ H. (2009). Aliphatic lipid substitution on 2 kDa polyethylenimine improves plasmid delivery and transgene expression. Mol Pharm. 2009 Nov-Dec;6 (6):1798-815.

Clement, B.A., Hsu C.Y., Kucharski, C., Lin, X., Rose, L., and Uludağ, H. (2009) Non-viral delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor gene to bone marrow stromal cells. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Dec;467(12):3129-37.

Hsu C.Y., and Uludağ, H. (2008). Effect of size and topology of DNA molecules on intracellular delivery with non-viral gene carriers. BMC Biotech. 8: 23.

Research Abstracts and Conference Presentations

I have presented over 19 research abstracts at 15 international, national and regional conferences since 2006. I would like acknowledge the Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Institute of Health Research for their support in the research exchange and knowledge dissemination of my work over the years.

List of conference presentations and research abstracts

BIO2012 - International Convention for Biotechnology Product, Research Development and Commercialization. One of the biggest biotechnology convention in the world, attended by over 15,000 delegates from over 35 countries over 5 days.